Rapture & Rogue Page 4
“Do you do this for all of your clients?” Gi asked from her position behind the desk when Taren stepped inside.
“Appear at the drop of a hat, mad as a hornet and eager to work.”
Taren raised an eyebrow and took a seat in front of Gi’s desk as Gi pointed to one of the computers on her desk. Nine little screens showed various camera angles monitoring the bar and parking lot.
“I passed your mob friends in the hallway. Why don’t you just come clean? You’re doing something illegal and I found your paper trail.”
. “The money isn’t missing and I’m not doing anything illegal,”Gi pressed. “I’m expanding with a third company and the money was going to that, albeit the wrong way. I straightened everything out just now, actually.”
“Great. You’re in business with the mob. That’s worse than laundering money!”
“Your fuse has gotten a lot shorter, tesoro,” Gi sighed.
Taren’s chest burned as the word rolled off Gi’s lips. “You could’ve said all of this over the phone,” she said, through gritted teeth.
“I know.” Gi leaned back in her chair. “I asked you to come here so I could do this in person.”
“Do what?” Taren asked, her voice thick with frustration.
“Either you really do hate me or you haven’t had good sex in a very long time,” Gi stated. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wound this tight.”
“What do you think?” Taren spat.
“Surely the latter.” Gi grinned.
“I don’t have time for this.”
“Time for what?” Gi asked.
“Playing head games with you.” Taren shook her head and sighed. “What do you want from me, Gi?”
“I want you to come work for me as the Financial Director of R&R.”
“You’re kidding me,” Taren said, skeptical.
“No. I need someone handling the finances of this company so stupid shit like this doesn’t happen again.”
“Gi…I can’t.” Taren looked away.
“I think you’ll find this well worth it,” Gi replied, sliding a folded paper across the desk.
Taren opened the paper, swallowing the lump in her throat when she saw all of the zeros at the end of the lucrative salary. “This is…No. You and I…we’re destructive together. It’s unhealthy.”
“This wasn’t a ploy to get you back with me.” Gi met her eyes. “Taren, you’re unbelievably smart and you’re wasting your talents at that shithole company.”
“I can’t, Gi,” Taren murmured, pulling gaze away as she stood to leave.
“I’ll be cutting ties with Nicholson and Brass when I fill this position, just so you know,” Gi added.
Taren nodded and walked out of the office.
Taren headed to a small dive bar near her house. A slow pop song was playing over the speakers when she sat on the stool. The piano-filled tune was familiar from the radio, but she didn’t know the lyrics.
“What can I get for you?”
The woman behind the bar had pretty brown eyes and short blond hair, pulled to each side in pigtails. The natural, perky breasts poking up under her tight black tank top gave away her tender age.
“Gin and tonic,” Taren murmured, feeling flattened.
The job offer from Gi had been lucrative, more than twice her current salary, but no higher than any other financial officer position, so Gi wasn’t trying to buy her. Still, there was no way they could work together. When she’d left her criminal lover, Taren promised herself she’d never be involved with illegal activities, and she’d never see Gianna Revisi again.
The bartender set the drink in front of her and Taren took a long sip, reveling in the familiar taste. The past she’d tried to forget was so close she could feel it on her skin. Her life was so different now. Taren was more worried that she’d never be able to separate the past from the present once they entangled. She’d definitely noticed a difference in Gi during their brief meetings, but the younger Gi was haunting her dreams at night. Could she keep the two apart?
“Bad day at the office?” the bartender asked.
“You could say that,” Taren replied, finishing the drink.
“Get you another?”
“No, thanks.” Taren tossed some cash on the bar and walked out.
Steam rose from takeout containers on the table as Taren walked into the apartment. She kicked off her heels and inhaled the aroma of Japanese Hibachi while walking towards her bedroom.
“Hey.” Ken smiled, kissing her cheek. He was standing in the kitchen, gathering plates and silverware.
“Dinner smells divine.” Taren’s stomach rumbled as she began removing her blouse and skirt.
“How was your day?” Ken asked, walking up behind her and kissing her bare shoulder.
Great, until my ex-girlfriend turned my world upside down. “Fine. A little hectic at the end. You?” she answered, turning and kissing him before pulling on a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top.
“Pretty good. We’re working on a new acquisition,” he replied as they walked out of the bedroom together.
“Where’s this one?”
“St. Louis. We still have a few weeks before everything is finalized, so I won’t be traveling until then.” He sat down and passed her the carton of rice.
“I see.” She said, taking the container and pouring rice onto her plate.
“Paul and Cindy invited us for a night out this weekend,” Ken stated, changing the subject as he added a soy sauce to his food.
“Really? Where?”
“Local nightclub,” he replied, chewing a piece of steak.
Taren laughed. “You’re not a nightclub person.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said, but it could be fun.”
Taren shrugged. “Sure. I could use a change of scenery anyway.”
“Great. I’ll let him know tomorrow.”
Chapter 7
By Saturday, Taren had all but talked herself out of the job at R&R. She’d already told Gi the answer was no, yet it still weighed heavily on her mind. She tried to avoid all rational thoughts as she dressed for a night out with Ken and their new friends. She’d almost backed out when she found out they were going to Rogue, but the chances of Gi hanging around her nightclub on a Saturday night were fairly slim. Taren had a good feeling Rapture was more her scene these days.
“What do you think of this shirt?” Ken asked.
Taren turned around to see him. He was wearing black slacks and a shirt that was covered in a pattern of tiny black and white checkers. He looked more like he was going to church than a nightclub.
“It’s fine. Is it new?”
“Yeah. I picked it up at the mall when I was looking for new running shoes.” He added a belt to his ensemble and slipped into a pair of black oxford shoes with thick soles, before going into the bathroom to comb his short hair. He splashed on a bit of cologne and waited for Taren.
A few minutes later, Taren stepped out of the closet wearing a pair of black pants with a tight, sheer, black button-down that only had the middle two buttons fastened, leaving her chest and lower midriff bare. She completed the sexy outfit with a pair of black, open-toed sling-backs. Her long, wavy curls hung down her back and over her left shoulder.
“Wow,” Ken beamed. “You look…hot.”
Taren laughed and ran her hand down the center of his chest.
Rogue had a good crowd inside when they arrived. Ken spotted Paul and Cindy next to the bar and ushered Taren over to them. A steady thump of bass with steamy lyrics played.
Taren and Cindy stood close and introduced themselves while the men ordered drinks.
“Do you come here often?” Taren asked.
“Only when we feel like cutting loose and dancing. This place is very popular and most nights, you can’t get in the door unless you arrive earl
y. In another two hours, it’ll be wall-to-wall people.”
“Wow,” Taren replied, impressed.
“They don’t have wine, so I ordered you the same thing he got for Cindy,” Ken said loudly, handing Taren a drink.
“What is it?” she asked Cindy before taking a sip.
“Long Island Iced Tea. You’ll love it, but it’ll knock you on your ass,” she cheered, clinking their glasses together.
“Lovely,” Taren replied, with a laugh.
The small group moved to the end of the bar where they could watch the dance floor and sip their drinks. Watching the patrons on the dance floor reminded Taren of the club she and Gi used to frequent in college. They’d spent many nights dancing in each other’s arms until they were kicked out, heading home to make love until sunrise. She shook the memories from her head when she felt someone touch her arm.
“Do you want to dance?” Ken asked.
Taren nodded and set the full drink on the bar, having never taken a sip. She wasn’t much of a liquor drinker anymore and Long Islands had never been her favorite. The other couple followed them. Ken wasn’t much of a dancer, but he tried. Paul and Cindy on the other hand, were all over each other, grinding to the bass like a pair of college kids. Taren danced close to Ken here and there, leaving plenty of space between them, which he preferred since he needed to see his feet to dance. When they’d first met, his nerd qualities were what had attracted her to him. He was so different and she liked that about him.
As the songs changed, the dance floor became more crowded, pushing the two couples away from each other. Taren got into the music, dancing like she’d never stop going clubbing. She moved her body with precision, rhythmically swaying and shaking her hips in a seductive motion. She’d nearly forgotten all about the other people she was with, until she felt a warm body close behind her. She backed up, thinking it was Ken, but as she pressed their bodies together, she realized she couldn’t be more wrong. The sensation of a warm, female body sent a chill of excitement down her spine. Taren leaned back further, allowing herself to revel in the feeling of another woman against her. She never missed a step as their bodies melded together, their hips swaying in time.
A hand snaked around Taren’s side, resting on her bare abdomen as warm breath tickled her neck. Taren put her hand over the one touching her skin and pushed it higher to her breast, forgetting her surroundings as the long-buried sensation of being touched by a woman came flooding back to her. The beat of music was lost as the two women moved to their own sultry rhythm like lovers meeting in the night. Taren ran her hand up the arm around her until she felt the short hair and light sheen of sweat on the base of the woman’s neck. A soft moan escaped her lips as she tugged at the short hair.
“I knew you missed me,” the woman whispered into her ear.
Taren’s body stiffened before she jumped away and spun around to face her.
“Damn you, Gi!” she growled, staring at the sexy grin and deep blue eyes of the woman looking back at her.
“We’re good together and you know it,” Gi stated. She hadn’t been trying to get her back, but seeing Taren on the dance floor had brought back memories and she couldn’t help getting close to her, even if it was only for a minute.
“I’m with Ken,” Taren huffed.
“You were sure interested in me when you felt me against you.”
“I was mistaken.”
“Another woman, I’d understand, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out why you’re with a man.” Gi looked around the crowd. “Where is he, by the way?” she asked innocently.
“I don’t know,” Taren said, frustrated, ignoring the jab. There’s no way she’d ever tell Gi the truth. She wasn’t the only woman Taren had slept with, but she was definitely the only woman Taren had ever wanted. She was with Ken because it was easy and over the course of their relationship, she’d learned to love him. She knew she’d never have what she had with Gi, that kind of unbridled passion was a once in a lifetime experience, but she was happy where she was. “I never left your side when we went out. If he was smart, he wouldn’t either.”
Taren scanned the crowd, looking for her beau.
“I’m serious about the offer. We both know you’re the best person for the job.”
Taren stepped closer. “I’m not getting involved with anything illegal, Gi.”
Gi shook her head. “Have I ever lied to you, tesoro?” she asked. “Besides, you’ve seen the books. You’d know if I was hiding something.”
Taren clamped her jaw shut, knowing Gi was right. Lying hadn’t been their problem. “Give me a week,” she sighed before disappearing into the crowd.
Ken and their friends were standing at the bar when Taren finally found them.
“Want another drink?” he asked.
“No. I have a headache from the loud music,” she answered.
“We can go if you want. This place isn’t really my scene either.”
Taren nodded, knowing she could’ve easily stayed all night if she’d been in Gi’s arms again.
Taren thought about the job for the rest of the weekend as she lounged around on the couch. Ken went to play golf with some work friends on Sunday, which gave her the place to herself. The lucrative salary was definitely a factor, but working with Gi again could be disastrous. She was happy with her everyday life. Ken was good to her and she loved him, albeit in a different way than she’d loved Gi. She loved him because he was sweet and kind, and would never do anything to hurt anyone. She wasn’t exactly in love with him, but she didn’t feel like she needed to be to have a life with him.
If she took this job, she’d most definitely have to keep the past in the past. She was a different person now and Gi would have to see that. Ken knew absolutely nothing about her college years, except that she went to UCLA. She had no idea what he would say if he ever found out she was involved with a woman, much less an illegal gambling ring. She’d have to find a way to keep her past and present from colliding, or she’d lose everything.
Ken arrived home late Sunday afternoon. Taren had mentally drained herself thinking about the job offer and its consequences, and had fallen asleep on the couch. Ken ran his hand over her arm softly until she stirred.
“Hey,” she said groggily. “I can’t believe I fell asleep. What time is it?” She sat up, looking for the nearest clock.
“Almost four,” he replied, sitting down next to her.
“How was golf?”
“I got my ass kicked as usual, but it was fun. Paul was pretty hungover, so he didn’t play as well as he usually does.”
Taren laughed softly and placed her head on her shoulder and her hand on his chest as he slipped his arm around her.
“He said they had a great time last night. I told him to let me know the next time they go to a bar because we’re definitely not nightclub people.”
Taren nodded. “Are you hungry?” she asked.
“Sure. An early dinner sounds good. I need to go shower. Order whatever you want,” he replied, kissing the top of her head before getting up.
Chapter 8
When Taren got to work on Wednesday, she found out the firm wasn’t giving third quarter bonuses due to their poor second quarter. Plus, all the accounts managers were taking on ten more clients because another senior accountant was retiring and they were not going to replace him. She could barely keep up with the accounts she already had because the guy she replaced hadn’t done much of anything with them in the past two years. She was still consulting many of her clients on retirement savings plans and money market shares. Her job as an accountant was to always make sure their books were perfect and find to save them money.
Of course, Gi gives me an offer that’s impossible to refuse and this place goes to hell, she thought.Taren arrived home just after Ken. He was standing in the bedroom, loosening his tie when she walked in. He’d barely s
aid hello when she began telling him about her day. After a good bout of venting, Ken looked thoughtfully at her.
“Maybe you should start looking, too,” he said.
“Actually…” Taren sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ve already been given an offer.”
“Really? Where?”
“My largest client, actually.”
“That’s great. Are they looking for an in-house accountant?”
“Yes and no.” She bit the corner of her mouth. “It’s a financial director position,” she explained, going on to tell him about the large salary increase.
“Why haven’t you said yes? A pay increase and a huge advancement opportunity? Sounds like a great job.”
Because my ex-girlfriend, who used to be a criminal and may currently be working for the mob,owns the company. Oh, and by the way, I used to be her criminal accountant. Taren rubbed her temples. She contemplated telling him she knew Gi, but decided against it. “I wasn’t sure if I could handle the job,” she lied.
“Sure you can, hun. I think it’s a great opportunity.” He smiled and pushed his glasses up before kissing her softly.
“I actually know the owner.”
“Oh, really? You mean beyond picking them up as an account?”
“Yeah. We were acquaintances through mutual friends in college. I didn’t realize it was her at first. Then, I wanted to make sure she was hiring me because of what I’ve done with her account and not because we used to know each other.”